N O U P F R O N T C O S T - S E R V I N G U S A C A N A D A A N D M E X I C O
Health Benefits Cost Reduction
Employee health benefits ranks as the 2nd largest expense for the average employer, second only to payroll, and the rising cost of employee health benefits is the number one issue, or problem employers are facing today. Every they are face with a choice of paying significantly more, or reducing benefits and paying slightly more.
We have a healthcare billing problem in the United States. The price for medical services and the price of prescription drugs, depends on how much can be extracted from you, or from your health plan, and you have no idea how much the bill is going to be until after services are rendered. The patient that comes in right after you could be paying one tenth of what you are paying, or ten times what you are paying, depending on their health plan. Could you imagine if you were to go into a grocery store, nothing had a price tag, and everyone had a different price to pay at the register? That’s healthcare.
We focus controlling the costs of the four primary cost drivers which make up 90% of the cost of a health plan: hospitalization & surgery, outpatient services, including diagnostic labs & imaging, emergency services, prescription drugs, and physician services. Our direct primary care strategy with concierge medicine, provides a noticeable increase in access to care while serving to help bring price transparencies, and deep additional discounts for hospitalization, Surgery, outpatient services, labs, imaging, emergency services, drugs, and physician services.
We help organizations to reduce the cost of their employees’ health benefits by 12 to 25%, and sometimes more, while reducing their employees’ out of pocket costs, and increasing their quality of care without necessarily changing their broker or health plan provider. With nearly a 100% success rate, and fees contingent on results, your clients will forever love you for the savings